
Skinny Bolognese sauce.

Usually skinny means "not as good as the original version": here I can't say this sauce is great as a well done Bolognese with all the fats, the sausage, the vegetables stirfried and so on but it's quite tasty and really skinny and ideal if you are on a diet, if you have digestive problems, if you have a toddler with a passion for pasta with Bolognese and you don't want to overload him/her with fats.
This is my toddler's choice and he's a gourmet ;)
You can cook it while you cook your pasta, no need to make it hours in advace or cook it for hours.
You can freeze it in small portion and defrost it room temperature or into the microwave.
Serving 2:
a cup of veal minced meat (or beef or skinny pork meat)
1/2 cup skimmed milk
salt and pepper to taste
a sprinkle of dried garlic
1/2 cup tomato sauce
Put minced meat in a pan over medium heat and crush it with a fork, add milk and crush again untill the meat is evenly hulled.
Add garlic if you like then salt and pepper and tomato.
Stir well and put a lid on the pan, turn the heat to low and cook untill your pasta is ready.
You can complete your dish with a little extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of grated Parmesan.

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